Motel Cowboy Show Playlist: Apple Music | Spotify
Red Dirt Unplugged And More
Shooter Jennings Swore Off Touring to Be a Producer. Then Warren Zevon Got Snubbed (Oct. 10, 2023)
Rolling Stone: Turnpike Troubadours Just Dropped a Bunch of New 2023 Tour Dates
Rolling Stone: Turnpike Troubadours Reunited to Play Their First Show in 3 Years — Grown Men Cried
The Motel Cowboy Show
Josh Crutchmer: Texas Homegrown Music with Maylee Thomas (Sept. 24, 2023)
98.1 KJUG Interview: Willy Braun and Josh Crutchmer with host Pepper Daniels (Sept. 7, 2023) | Facebook Video | Audio Podcast
Wheels Off with Rhett Miller (Sept. 6, 2023) | Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Osiris Media
On the best podcast in the world, the incomparable Rhett Miller talked to Josh about journalism, creativity, and inspiration (and about The Motel Cowboy Show and Red Dirt).
Tulsa World: Q&A about The Motel Cowboy Show (August 5, 2023)
Rolling Stone: Kyle Nix and the 38s on Heartache, Songwriting, and Therapy (August 2, 2023)
Rolling Stone: Robert Earl Keen Has Played His Final Show. He’s Not Kidding
Red Dirt
Rolling Stone: How the Red Dirt Scene is Trying to Survive the Pandemic
Oklahoma Magazine: Chronicling Red Dirt
Facebook Live with Best of Books Oklahoma in Edmond
Wide Open Country (Q&A): New Book ‘Red Dirt’ Traces a Genre from its Oklahoma Origins and Beyond
Radio interview: The Rebel (Lubbock) visits with Josh Crutchmer about the upcoming Red Dirt release
Podcast: Josh Crutchmer Joins The Co-Write (Sept. 4, 2020)
Podcast: Hippies and Cowboys featuring Josh Crutchmer (August 18, 2020)
Facebook Live: Crutchmer with Cody Canada and Scott Evans about the book (1:20 mark)
Music Fog: 15 Reasons this is not a Farewell-to-Cross Canadian Ragweed Story (Also Published in ChicagoNow by The Chicago Tribune)